Infuse: Innovative Future Services
Our partnership with Monmouthshire County Council and Cardiff University will work with ten local authorities over three years to build capacity for innovation.

Supporting Social Care Innovation in Wales
From January to March 2022 Y Lab and People Powered Results at Nesta conducted research with 70 people across social care in Wales. We learnt that:

Keeping Wales Safe
The Keeping Wales Safe: Covid Behaviours Programme (KWS) is a Welsh Government funded programme focussed on exploring how to embed a person-centred, collaborative approach to co-design and testing, based on behaviourally informed approaches, that can explore complex place-based challenges.

HARP - an arts and health programme
Launched in 2019 in partnership with Arts Council of Wales, our Arts and Health programme, HARP, aims to increase our understanding of how the arts can play a more prominent role in people’s wellbeing in Wales.

Public Service Pioneers 2021
Public Services Pioneers was a virtual experiment into community building in 2021 which aimed to bring together some of the most interesting voices in UK public services. The content created and curated for the event wanted to unite and inspire people across public work - whether designing, delivering or researching public services - to do things differently.

Innovate to Save
Innovate to Save aims to tackle some of the most complex issues facing public services.

Public Services Innovation Case Studies
What are the innovations already happening in Wales? In 2016, we undertook a research project finding examples of public services innovation happening in Wales.